Forehead Lift Surgery(Brow Lift)
Frown lines can make you look tired, stressed, or angry, even if you are not. A brow lift, or forehead lift, is a surgical procedure that smoothes out the forehead, while reshaping the brow and upper eyelids. It may also reduce frown lines. The brow lift procedure is one of the most rewarding for many patients since Dr. Pryor often performs the surgery endoscopically to minimize incisions. A minimally invasive endoscopic brow lift can help erase frown lines with limited pain and recovery time. In the endoscopic brow lift, Dr. Pryor begins by making a series of small incisions hidden in the hairline. He then uses a small telescope and video monitor to visualize important structures while reshaping the brows. The incisions are then closed with surgical clips and an elastic bandage is applied overnight. Dr. Pryor is also well versed in the traditional coronal and hairline brow lift procedures and customizes the technique to the anatomy and desires of each individual patient. During your consultation with Dr. Pryor, the appropriate browlift option will be customized to suit your individual needs. Browlift may be combined with blepharoplasty or traditional face lift procedures to achieve facial harmony and balance. |
Successful facial plastic surgery is a result of good rapport between patient and surgeon. Trust, based on realistic expectations and exacting medical expertise, develops in the consulting stages before surgery. Your surgeon can answer specific questions about your specific needs. Is A Forehead Lift For You? As with all elective surgery, good health and realistic expectations are prerequisites. When a surgeon tightens loose skin and removes the excess, forehead wrinkling and drooping brows are modified. The procedure is called a forehead lift or brow lift. If necessary, the surgeon removes part of the muscle that causes vertical frown lines between the brows. The result can be a smoother brow and a more youthful expression. To see what a forehead lift can do for your face, put your hands above your brows and outside the edges of your eyes and gently raise the skin upwards. Forehead lifts are an option if you have a sagging brow or deep furrows between the eyes. This procedure is usually done between age forty and sixty-five, although it may be necessary at an earlier age.
Making The Decision For A Forehead Lift After the decision to proceed with surgery is made, the surgeon will describe the technique indicated, the type of anesthesia, the surgical facility, any additional surgery, and the risks and costs.
What To Expect After The Surgery This procedure takes between one to two hours to perform. It is most commonly performed under IV sedation or twilight anesthesia. What To Expect After The Surgery You will experience a certain amount of swelling and bruising in the 10-day period following surgery. In some patients, this condition may include the cheek and eye area as well as the forehead. You will be advised to keep your head elevated in order to reduce swelling. Cold compresses may further reduce swelling. As the incisions heal, you may experience some numbness as well as itching, both of which will diminish with time. The sutures are usually removed within seven to 10 days following surgery. If bandages have been used, they are removed in one to three days. It is important to follow the advice of your surgeon on resuming normal activities. For most patients, the recovery time will not exceed two weeks, but patients may still be advised to avoid strenuous activities for longer periods. Any prolonged bruising can be camouflaged with standard make-up techniques. Not infrequently, a brow lift is combined with Blepharoplasty (an eyelid tuck) or face lift to provide a harmonious rejuvenation. Facial plastic surgery makes it possible to correct many facial flaws and signs of premature aging that can undermine self-confidence. By changing how you look, cosmetic surgery can help change how you feel about yourself. Insurance does not generally cover surgery that is purely for cosmetic reasons. Surgery to correct or improve sagging foreheads and brows which interfere with vision may be reimbursable in whole or in part. It is the patient's responsibility to check with the insurance carrier for information on the degree of coverage. |