Valley Facial Plastic Surgery | 8952 E. Desert Cove, Suite 205 | Scottsdale, AZ 85260 | Phone: 480.614.0499 | Fax: 480.273.8689
Post-Op Instructions for Your Browlift Surgery
Post-Operative Care
- Sleep on your back with your head elevated 30-45 degrees;
use two pillows for the first 4-5 days after surgery.
- Iced gauze pads should be applied to the eyes and cheek
for the first 48 hours to minimize swelling and discoloration.
- Keep your head elevated to minimize swelling. A recliner
works well or adding an extra pillow on your bed is adequate.
- You may wash your face but keep any dressings dry.
- If you have external eyelid incisions, they may be gently
cleaned with a Q-tip and half-strength hydrogen peroxide
(dilute with
water). We will prescribe an antibiotic ointment formulated
for eyelid use
which should then be applied to the incision 3 times a day
after cleaning. Avoid over-the-counter ointments.
- Dr. Pryor asks that you clean the incisions in this manner until all sutures are removed. After the sutures
are removed on day 5-10 you will be asked to use only Aquaphor ointment
to the incisions twice daily for a further two weeks.
- You may gently shampoo your hair
two days after surgery. Baby shampoo works well.
- Avoid hair coloring or permanents for one month after
your surgery.
- You may wear contact lens two weeks after surgery.
- Avoid extreme physical activity including athletic activities
and intercourse. You may resume light walking three days
after surgery. Aerobic exercise, weight training, heavy lifting,
and straining
be gradually resumed three weeks after surgery.
- Avoid excessive facial movements for two weeks-this will
optimize the healing process.
- Absolutely avoid sun exposure, sun lamps, or tanning
beds for six weeks after surgery. Heat may cause your
face and
eyelids to swell. Wear SPF 20 sunscreen daily beginning two
weeks after surgery.
- Don´t be concerned if the eyes, cheeks, and neck show some
swelling after removal of the dressing – this usually resolves
within 2 weeks. In certain patients, it may require six months
for all swelling to completely subside.
- You may notice some numbness in the forehead and scalp
after surgery. This will resolve gradually.
- Take only medications prescribed by your doctor.
- Makeup may be used 5-7 days after surgery
(except on the incisions). DON´T TAKE CHANCES! If
you are concerned about anything you consider significant,
call us during office hours
at 480-423-3150.